Thursday, October 28, 2010
One Big step...
Monday, October 25, 2010
New feeling
Sunday, October 24, 2010
Friday, October 22, 2010
Oh Facebook(and the people who are on it)...
Wednesday, October 20, 2010
My friends are my friends...
Tuesday, October 19, 2010
They assume that every teenager is having sex, drinking, and/or doing some sort of drug.They all think we are like that. Craziness.
Labeled without even been given a chance to prove ourselves!
Well guess what?? All of you adults were teenagers too! NEWS FLASH!
It's crazy how they get some kind of messed up theory that every teenager is born intoxicated! Just because you were going around being sneaky with multiple boys does not mean all of us are!
Ok, so maybe now a days ( in this corrupt world we live in) the majority of teenagers being rebellious is quite high but that isn't my point. Haha.
Yes, we all make mistakes but we have our own thoughts and opinions too! Sure, we haven't been in this world as long as you have but, we aren't exactly living under a rock either. We aren't oblivious( though I can't say that for EVERY teenager haha) and yes we know mom and dad know better than us even though sometimes we feel like strangling them...
As you can see, If you have been following my blog, that I have a hard time with being labeled, who doesn't??? I don't think anybody has the right to look down upon us because we are young or because there is some stereo type for teenagers.
I'm not just a teenager. We are much more than that.
Friday, October 15, 2010
When I was little...
Being little…a memory most people wish to go back on. Though we might not remember that much because we were, in-fact, little. Still, it’s a nice thing to think of.
When I was little all I had to worry about was what I was going to play that day; that was the only thing I had to decide. What movie to watch or what video game-simple and fun stuff was all but only my responsibility.
When I was little I only had to pick which kind of drink I wanted with my lunch or what snack to munch on later.
When I was little the only scar was made on your elbow or knee. When I was little…goodbyes only meant until tomorrow
When I was little I didn’t care how I looked or worried about who was really my friend.
When I was little boys were only to chase on the playground and the only guy in my life was my dad.
When I was little I only had to say my prayers before bed; not saying my science notes out loud to myself.
When I was little I only dreamed about today…
No worries. Now I am growing up aren’t I? the Legos and Barbie dolls are stored away and play dress up toys are replaced with a desk with papers and eraser debris sprinkled around. Where my bows are replaced with make up everywhere and a hair dryer. Where my little girl clothes are replaced with boots and flats. Where my no worries are replaced with responsibilities.
Better left unsaid...
Monday, October 11, 2010
"These are a few of my favorite things!"...
Sunday, October 10, 2010
The best love story...
This is going to sound crazy but,
I wish Jesus didn’t have to die!
WHAT?!?!?! Gasp!
CHILL. I will explain myself- Of course.
You see I am so thankful and grateful that He did that and I feel so honored and yes i know He rose again but I got to ask myself: Why me? Why did someone SO completely beyond perfect die for me? For us?
I don’t feel worthy enough of that! I mean the Son of God coming down and killing Himself for me! Going through all that horrible pain for us! I wish there was another way so God didn’t have to send His Son to be killed. I know, I know there isn’t another way. I am not crazy. I just don’t feel good enough for that.
Truth? I am not-we aren’t. But He loves us SOOOO FLIPPIN much that He would do that. It was like an everlasting love letter to all of us. God saying we were to die for. Crazy isn’t? it just blows my mind sometimes! Because I am just like “AGGG I don’t deserve this!” Then other times I am so thankful and happy that He did. I want to scream and go crazy!
I just think it is amazing and the best love story anyone could ever tell. THE BEST. It’s a love letter to you and you and you…and me!
And I couldn’t be more honored! No boy could ever out beat this! Not even close!
Saturday, October 9, 2010
not everyone likes someone...
Hm. I would have to disagree with that. I don’t like anyone-honest. I know, I know, crazy right? I mean I usually do! But nope! No crushes no….nothing. Depressing? Maybe, but in a way its nice.
The pressure of liking someone at this age is kind of wild-who do you like? Does he or she like you? Why do you like them? Question after question is made when you tell them who you like at that time and even before you tell them there is more pressure- please tell me! I promise to keep it a secret! You love me, so tell me! COME ON PLEASEEEEEEE!!!!
It almost becomes unbearable.
Lucky for me though, all I have to say is “no.” Because truth is…I don’t like anyone! Sometimes it can be a litte boring but other times it is actually kind of nice. Less drama can always put you in a brighter mood!
I mean you could always lie and say “no”, even when you do but…as I said before the truth always comes out. That also means that (sometimes) although your close buddy may keep it a secret for a little while …the truth will be out and your crush will know. AWKWARD.
Anyways, I think it really is possible not to like anyone; whether it is because you’re not worried about it or there is no guy or girl to really like. Fewer choices can keep you from liking someone-(or becoming desperate, but that’s another time, another blog post. haha )
So, false. Not everyone has to be liking someone. Don’t be worried about liking someone or who likes you! Enjoy the single life! You might see life a little differently when you aren't so caught up in the “who-likes-who world” haha!
In high school you are almost guaranteed drama. It is just the way it works! Why we all cant get along is beyond me! Maybe because it makes school not as boring or maybe we all just haven’t figured out who we are and we all just need to grow up.
ONE (because there are many) of the worst feelings to get is when you find out someone has been lying to you the whole time and you end up looking like the fish who fell for the bate on the fishing hook! Everything they told you is a complete lie no matter how you sliced it. Don’t you just want to hit yourself with something and say “WOW STUPID!” ? I do.
Sometimes I wish I would find out if things were true or not before I just hop onto the naive train. I hate it when I find out someone lies to me. They lost my trust and now I have to question everything they say. That doesn’t sound like a good friendship to me.
Friends have each others back no matter what and are always real with you . Their not a true friend if you only find them lying to you. It’s even worse when they tell you things people are saying about you-and its COMPLETELY not true! All along you feel like crap and your self esteem goes to a low point. Maybe their just trying to not loose you or they just want you to be their friend but when it all comes down to it-the truth comes out. When that happens everything blows up and you possibly loose a friendship.
We all hate being lied to-that’s just a fact, but we can decide who is and who isn’t your true friend. True friends- even the name has the truth in it.