..Do not let people look down upon you because you are young...

Friday, October 15, 2010

When I was little...

Being little…a memory most people wish to go back on. Though we might not remember that much because we were, in-fact, little. Still, it’s a nice thing to think of.

When I was little all I had to worry about was what I was going to play that day; that was the only thing I had to decide. What movie to watch or what video game-simple and fun stuff was all but only my responsibility.

When I was little I only had to pick which kind of drink I wanted with my lunch or what snack to munch on later.

When I was little the only scar was made on your elbow or knee. When I was little…goodbyes only meant until tomorrow

When I was little I didn’t care how I looked or worried about who was really my friend.

When I was little boys were only to chase on the playground and the only guy in my life was my dad.

When I was little I only had to say my prayers before bed; not saying my science notes out loud to myself.

When I was little I only dreamed about today…

No worries. Now I am growing up aren’t I? the Legos and Barbie dolls are stored away and play dress up toys are replaced with a desk with papers and eraser debris sprinkled around. Where my bows are replaced with make up everywhere and a hair dryer. Where my little girl clothes are replaced with boots and flats. Where my no worries are replaced with responsibilities.

Being little seems like such a fairytale…and we all couldn’t wait to grow up…

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