..Do not let people look down upon you because you are young...

Wednesday, September 15, 2010


This is so stupid.

When will people learn to grow up?

When will people learn to not making everything a big deal?

When will people get a life?

When will people stop spreading rumors?

When will someone actually be your friend?

When will someone actually stick up for you?


All the those things will never change because sadly some people never grow up.

I hate it when people twist your words and try to make you look like the bad guy. Or when they try to make you feel sorry for them even when you didn’t do anything.

I HATE it when people get all sarcastic and say “Oh your so perfect aren’t you?”

No. I am not perfect. Not even close. But I am clearly more mature than you. Saying that just makes you sound ignorant.

It makes me laugh sometimes when they just go off on some little tantrum like some little girl who didn’t get to have a piece of candy. I’m like wow…are you for real? It’s such a joke. I swear some people are on crack.

Some people like to stir up drama because they have empty squalid lives.


Reality is though it’s NO BIG DEAL! I mean come on is this really something to get upset about? Its annoying and tiring and stupid.

It’s why I’m not letting those kind of people in my life. I don’t need obtuse middle school drama or boys acting like little girls on a playground. I guess to some people that might be the definition of a friend. To me though-it’s the opposite.

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