..Do not let people look down upon you because you are young...

Monday, November 29, 2010


I'm learning.
I'm learning not to care what people think. Who cares if he said she said this! I know its not true. I mean It gets really old when people go around saying someone said this or someone feels this way about you. I'm done with it all! who cares! I don't! All I need to focus on is what God has planned for me and what I need to be doing for Him - Not doing things based on whatever anyone else thinks of you. I'm going to be me no matter what. If you don't like me. Fine. If you do, awesome! Its just a big wad of stress that doesn't need to be added to the to-do-list. I'll wear what I want, be with the people I want to hang out with, talk to the people that talk to me and do my own thing. Its my life after all! Not theirs. They can go worry about themselves. Its really not that big of a deal.
Plus, when we get all caught up in "ohhh he said that" or "OMW SHE SAID THAT???" Things get way out of context. Besides, everyone is worried about themselves anyways. If they talk about you, they obviously don't care about you. Worry about yourself! I guarantee life will be so much better when you don't get caught up on what everyone thinks of you. The only one you should be concerned about is God.

So I encourage you to work on that! I'll be right in the same boat with ya on that one! I have major struggles with that. We can do this right?
Don't care what people think. You know yourself better then them anyways.

Tuesday, November 23, 2010



You know, I think the most important subject for someone to learn is history. Why? Its just in the past?? Well that is exactly why.

You see learning history is very important because we, as citizens need to take the right of being able to learn from the past. When we decide it doesn’t matter we end up believing everything you hear in the news. I mean you see people now trying to erase our history. Such as God being a huge part in out Country’s victory? How bout the pledges? “Under God” Some think that wasn’t really apart of it. Or now, they are trying to say the Holocaust never happened. Well, if you never learned it then you would go along and believe whatever the government says. Because. you. think. They. do.

Well, NEWS FLASH! They aren’t. In fact plans that they are deciding to make now to make the America “better” are similar to the ones Presidents have used in the past. Well If it was stupid and didn’t work back then it most certainly isn’t going to work now! That is a sign of insanity my friends. And just plain. Ignorant.

It just blows my mind about how many people are willing to believe whatever. You need to know your history. Its important. Because then if You stand for nothing you will fall for anything! Making America corrupt one step at a time....

Monday, November 22, 2010

Too cool...

You know what I hate. ABSOLUTLYY HATE??? When people act like they are too cool for God. They laugh when they should be listening and they go around making a joke out of it. It has to be the most frustrating thing to me! I mean are you really that self conscious to close your eyes and just listen to someone pray?? That is not even anything! That is called common courtesy. Which seems to be lacking recently.

Oh I am sorry, you’re cool. Never mind then. You can just laugh away then. Wow. *rolls eyes* Just FYI you “cool” people. ITS NOT COOL. It's actually sad and really pathetic. If anything, you really are making a fool out of yourself. And ok, you aren’t into the whole praise God thing, which is also ( stupid) ok well what did God ever do to you?? What are we like five? Actually sorry, that’s insult to five year olds. I teach that age and they are more respectful WAYY MORE then you people are. And that just makes you look even more of a loser. So why don’t you put your big pants on and shut up! You aren’t even funny. You are a distraction and annoying.

You are a low, uncool, pathetic, loser! Oh and by the way, it makes you really unattractive when you act too cool for Him. Because just fyi boys, the girls around you are probably hating you at that moment. You then have become a joke and no girl will come to you. I mean if that’s what you want….then by all means keep going.

But seriously. Grow up. And get over your ego ( how you got an ego…is beyond me??) You are lame.

And maybe you think this is all a joke. And you think it’s all stupid. Well, then, I advise some help. You apparently have a hard time with believing the truth. Mental people have that problem. And they are in a mental institution. If that gives you any hint…

Saturday, November 13, 2010


OK! So this weekend, so far, has been a lot of fun! Especially because My church (Elevation) is opening their new campus!!!!! :D It's out in Blakeney and the building is pretty nifty, I must say!
Anyways, last night they had an event called The Night of Worship! It was a lot of fun working with the kids! ahhhh the kids :) they are soo cool and AWESOME!
I love working with the kids in Quest! They are so silly, and fun, and it makes you feel so awesome to share bible stories with them! They are so excited to hear them! I love getting up on stage and being goofy and teaching lessons! I mean, you can say anything in a funny accent and they will all laugh really loud! I cant wait to get started tonight for the first service at Blakeney! It's gonna be a blast! And I am praying that God will do something spectacular with the lives of the people who come and even in the little kid's lives!
My church truly is my 2nd home. I love it and I know that it's the church God wants my family to be. In fact, seeing the little kids smile and run to you because they are so excited to see you, is probably one of the best things to see.
I can't wait to see what God has in store for this church, for this city, and for the people who visit!
I truly do hope that people far from God will be filled with life in Christ!

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Give me something to laugh about...

I find it hilarious when I have these so called "haters"! I just have to laugh!
First off I would call "haters" People-with-personal-issues. Or insecure. Or bipolar maybe, because just the other day you so called "hater" wasn't a "hater".
Cause in all reality I didn't do anything. And if I did, it's nothing to hate about- you should talk to me about it. Not throw a hissy-fit and hate me. I mean, geez.

You have nothing better to do I suppose. Whatever floats your boat . Whatever makes you feel better. Cause apparently you need that.
hahaha. It really is quite hilarious and sad all at the same time. Guess I am doing something right...

Oh, you are real cool. *rolls eyes*
Oh you talk about me and spread rumors? SHOCKER!
sounds like a personal problem.
Here is a tip: You gain nothing.

So go ahead. Talk about me. I DARE YOU! Watch me not care :) because if anything I'll get a good laugh in.
And there is nothing I like better than laughing :)

Tuesday, November 9, 2010


I was wrong.

I have this problem with admitting that. I am wrong.

I don’t like to be wrong. Who does?

I have a problem. A big problem.

Something I am trying to work on though. I know I should just let it go and let the other person be right. Cause they are, in fact, right.

I guess I don’t like to make a fool out of myself.

I don’t like to be a joke.

I mean, I like making them, but I don’t like being one.

When I am wrong I feel so stupid and humiliated.

I don’t like to be proven wrong. I want to be right.

I want to be the one everyone agrees with.

But if I can teach you anything, it is this: that will most likely NEVER be the case!

That’s life. And We just have to tough it up and get over it.

I just need to get over it and admit.

But no one likes to admit things. No matter what it is. You feel so pressured and you make yourself into a spectacle when you are feeling pressured into admitting things.

Especially being wrong. Especially when you are called out and corrected.

I hate it cause I feel like I am being condemned

But in my life I will be wrong more than 10 times. I guarantee it.

Yes, I may be right here and there but I need to get over the fact of being wrong and move on. Everyone is wrong at some point; it’s not just you. And it’s not just me

Just swallow your pride.

And admit it.

Friday, November 5, 2010


It seems as though every girl is this. Insecure. In fact, even guys are insecure. We just have different insecurities then them. Either way though, we all have them no matter who says they don't.
You could be the shyest person in school or the big ego guy that everyone feels like slapping. Or maybe you are just in between. It doesn't matter. We all go through this phase. It's all part of growing up, I guess.
I was seriously on the verge of tears late last night when everything came at me ALL.AT.ONCE. Needing to seriously vent, one of my good friends was there to listen. It was good I did. It was all bottled up inside and I just needed to let it out. She was there and could tell something was wrong (even over chat) and listened. She even cheered me up! It was awesome and I love her for it! That's what friends are for! To be there for you when you need someone and can help you look past all your deep insecurities. To help you grow and listen. and help you through the road you take in life. When you are misguided they are their to tell you the right way even if it hurts to be truthful.

I honestly don't know what I would do without friends. Probably go in a little dark corner and not speak a word. (ok, ok so maybe that is a bit dramatic haha) but still, I am so glad I had her that night and I am so glad for all my friends for making me laugh and just being their.

They all make me forget the problems I have and all the stupid insecurities.