Anyways, last night they had an event called The Night of Worship! It was a lot of fun working with the kids! ahhhh the kids :) they are soo cool and AWESOME!
I love working with the kids in Quest! They are so silly, and fun, and it makes you feel so awesome to share bible stories with them! They are so excited to hear them! I love getting up on stage and being goofy and teaching lessons! I mean, you can say anything in a funny accent and they will all laugh really loud! I cant wait to get started tonight for the first service at Blakeney! It's gonna be a blast! And I am praying that God will do something spectacular with the lives of the people who come and even in the little kid's lives!
My church truly is my 2nd home. I love it and I know that it's the church God wants my family to be. In fact, seeing the little kids smile and run to you because they are so excited to see you, is probably one of the best things to see.
I can't wait to see what God has in store for this church, for this city, and for the people who visit!
I truly do hope that people far from God will be filled with life in Christ!
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