Want to here something ironic?
Well if you take the 7, 0, Ace, and 3 of hearts and flip them you get the word - LOVE.
So cards that are used for games and gambling can spell out the word love?
I know. It’s sketchy.
When I saw this little trick I had to laugh because it is so true. Love is just a game to everyone. Boy likes girl, girl likes boy, boy chases girl, once boy catches girl he goes and finds another thing to chase. Or in this day in age, vise-versa. Girls are pursuing way too many boys nowadays. Idiots.
It’s funny how people say not to say “hate” because it is a strong word yet its ok to throw in an “I love you” just for kicks. Who actually means it? No one.
It was a game in elementary.
It is a game in highs school.
It will be a game in College.
Love is a strong word-at least it was suppose to be. Now we have short cuts like “love ya” or “ily” which I find stupid.
Remember when we use to chase the boys around the playground? Well now in high school its just that-a game just for fun. Fun.
I just want to know why people take the risk and gamble with their heart to just have fun. I want to know why everyone risks getting deceases just to have “fun” (sex). I want to know what’s so great about emotional baggage?
Is it all worth it? Is it all worth the disappointment?
When you decide to play the LOVE game you are gambling your heart and we all know how that turns out…
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