..Do not let people look down upon you because you are young...

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Just keep calm and carry on...

It's really hard to get over things that you know shouldn't bother you.
You see, although I can't hold a grudge to save my life, I still have a hard time not letting people get the best of me. I don't want them to get under my skin or act like they bother me because that's what they want. They want a reaction. And the best way to get rid of it, is to ignore it. Push it to the side. Don't let it bother me.
easy right?
It's really hard to play cool and act like everything is just great. because, not everything is great. It's not exactly the most comfortable position when they are throwing things at you and God tells you to just ignore it. Um, hello? I CAN'T! I want to so badly fight back.
But if I did, I wouldn't be any better then them.
I've learned that your goal in life is not to get your value from others. It's not worth it. People change, and they move on when they don't want to be around you anymore.
If I went around trying to get my value from everyone, I'd be an emotional wreck.
Just remember to stay focused on what God has called you to do. And remember He is the only One you should be living for.
If they are your friends, they will stick to you. You don't need to worry about the others!
Just keep calm and carry on.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

Does she even blog anymore...?

To answer that question, yes I do blog. I just haven't been blogging on this one lately.
I don't know why I don't. I have no life--well Ok, I have a life. Just not the most interesting one. Hmm let's see. Well CHRISTMAS WOO! That was pretty cool, I got a couple things that I am so thankful for. Then I went to a new years eve party and can I just say that was awesome:) and now I am back to school..ugg what a horrible routine. So my school is pretty chill--I can't really complain. But I wish my life was a bit more eventful. I have not been feeling very inspired lately and it could be because I spend my time at home....doing nothing. I know, why do you even read my blog??? hahah. But I will try to stay more on top of this because I do not want to neglect my poor blog.
When it all comes down to it though, I just have a lot on my mind. TONS AND BEYOND. And I am trying to shove it away but I've been doing that... and now it has just completely bursted. I guess I deserved that. huuu....happens to all of us right?

So I will try to get that all worked out. And I will continue blogging-more consistently. In the mean time, maybe you should get a life. Instead of wasting your time reading this. I would imagine so if you are, that you haven't been outside in a couple days. ;)
Seriously get off your butt and do something.
I will too!

Wednesday, January 5, 2011

Think about this...

So I found this today
One of my friends showed it to me and I think it's so amazing.
And absolutely true.
It makes you think differently:

The creator of the UNIVERSE took the precious time in creating you perfectly, EXACTLY how He wanted you. OUR GOD wanted YOU. Therefore He made it happen! If God didn't WANT you, He wouldn't have created you. Yet HE loves you so deeply and wants you so badly that HE would create you PERFECTLY in His image, because He knows He can only be in the presence of perfection. And that's how much He desires to be WITH you