..Do not let people look down upon you because you are young...

Friday, September 10, 2010

worried about worrying...

Is it possible to worry about worrying?
if it's not then I think I am the one to start it because that's exactly what I am doing.

worrying too much.

Worried about..

school; wondering if I will make the right grades and get into a good college

Acting....will I ever make it far? will I be able to have a good influence and impact on little girls?

friends...are they keeping my secrets? should I tell them this or should I keep it to myself?

boys...please don't get me started on that. again.

or even marrige... will I actually marry? PLEASE GOD! I don't want to die an old maid! or some crazy cat lady! (ok so maybe I am a bit dramatic but-I'm serious. Im not going down the "Cat lady" rode!)

I worry what others think and I know I shouldn't.I have been pretty good at acting like they can't get to me but sometimes I slip.

I worry about what I look like and compare me to my sister or to others. What size do I wear? What size do they wear?

I worry about who is living and if I will ever get to see them again. What is the last thing I said to them? was it the right thing to say?

Who am I hurting? Who is hurting me?

and sometimes it ALL comes at me at once...and that my friend are days that I am not a pretty sight. But then it clicks to me; WHY AM I WORRYING SO MUCH? I don't need to be!

I should be wise and careful about the decisions I make but I know Someone bigger and Someone better is taking care of it for me!
Though it's hard for me to rap my head around sometimes and sometimes I'm just like "yeah.right." But eventually I realize that what I am doing is totally pointless and ridiculous and insulting!

It really is stupid.


Big sigh.


and there is no need to be doing something pointless is there?

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